a veure com podem retocar aixos per a que funcioni:
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 7, Max: 32, Avg: 4,91)
2 Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff
2 Count Vladimir Rustovitch dom pot pro ANI AUS VIC 9 Tzimisce
1 Droescher One-Eye ani vic 3 Tzimisce
2 Duality ani AUS VIC 6 Tzimisce
1 Elizabeth Westcott ani cel vic AUS 5 Tzimisce
1 Ilias cel Frumos aus vic 3 Tzimisce
2 Kazimir Savostin ani pot AUS VIC 7 Tzimisce
1 Piotr Andreikov aus 2 Tzimisce
Library: (90 cards)
Master (20 cards)
4 Anarch Revolt
2 Fame
1 Library Hunting Ground
1 Parthenon, The
1 Path of Metamorphosis, The
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Powerbase: Montreal
1 Rack, The
3 Rotschreck
2 Smiling Jack, The Anarch
3 Vessel
Action (4 cards)
2 Army of Rats
2 Constant Revolution
Reaction (38 cards)
4 Cats` Guidance
6 Eagle`s Sight
5 Enhanced Senses
5 Eyes of Argus
4 Forced Awakening
2 Guard Dogs
4 Mole, The
4 On the Qui Vive
4 Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (18 cards)
4 Breath of the Dragon
5 Chiropteran Marauder
3 Hell-for-Leather
3 Inner Essence
3 Telepathic Tracking
Ally (1 cards)
1 Asanbonsam Ghoul
Retainer (6 cards)
4 Raven Spy
2 Revenant
Equipment (2 cards)
1 Femur of Toomler
1 Ivory Bow
Event (1 cards)
1 Anthelios, the Red Star
Nits Lúdiques 31/01/2025
Fa 4 setmanes
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